About Lavender


From the natural world, straight to your skin!

It was the year 2000 when our son Mathew was born, at a very early age he showed up the first sign of eczema, by the age of one we found out about his severe allergy to peanuts, that is how we create the habit of reading labels, we need to make sure no peanuts product where taking home, then in 2002 that’s when we were educated by my daughter about organic food and the reason to avoid pesticides and process food, etc, so the label reading was now not only looking for peanuts. 

Then Mathew whom had an great habit of reading on his own realized that was not only the food labels need our attention, he realized that our every day bath and skin care product was something to look out also, we were amazed once we start digging into those labels, so we have dedicated for many years to research carefully what we eat and what we apply to our body as skin care

That is how Lavender Whisper Apothecary was created, we have learned the impact of your skin care products to your health, that is why we use only the high quality ingredients, all natural plant based oils, butters, essential oils, botanicals and clays, we look for ingredient that are beneficial to you skin and your health, all natural emollients, moisturizers, antiseptic, exfoliating, detoxifying and soothing.

CEO. Lavender Whisper Apothecary

Lavender Whisper Apothecary

Lavender Whisper, we make fragrances using natural sources. A great place to start is with Lavender Whisper so you can see how good quality products can bring quality of life that is possible.